Got a question that we can have fun answering? Email us! info@bongojava.com
Below is a treasure trove of little known, interesting facts about Bongo World. Like where did our name come from?
☕️ FAQs ☕️
Where Are Your Cafés Located?
You can find our handy café locator here!
Where Can I Buy Bongo Java Coffee?
Can I Host My Event at Bongo Java/Fido/Game Point/BJRC?
You sure can! Fill out our events form and we’ll get back to you ASAP.
Does BJRC Offer Barista Training?
Yes - you can book trainings here.
Who Handles Your Press and Media Inquiries?
Please contact (insert email).
Does BJRC Offer Private Label Options?
Yes! Please visit our Private Label page to learn more.
I’m a Non-Profit - How Do I Partner With BJRC?
Please contact Isabel@bongojava.com with any fundraising and partnership questions.